Friday, July 11, 2008

stumble upon art

For the record, it's people like this, that make me want to be more artistic...

Take a look.

His multi-talented portfolio is the perfect blend between the intimate abyss that is one's creativity and the external workings of life. Mixing music, film, drawing, graphic design, and more...
I especially like how his "about me" is utterly self-absorbed, but sooo good. I've never seen anything like that, where someone's bio doesn't annoy me, but actually makes them more endearing.

I usually I don't feature this kind of thing on my blog but I think he deserves these props, plus I would like to remember that I saw this because watching his work really made me realize how mixed media is something very important to me, to not get stuck in one medium and to always welcome collaborators and new ideas.

Damn. this guy is talented. I'm just gonna drop his name here (Dave Werner) so if he ever googles his name, he'll see that I am complimenting him and maybe one day design a website for me lol.

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