Wednesday, July 23, 2008

cake for thought

So apparently somehow, when trying to get to my blog, Mariana (woo shoutout!) came across this blog. And it's absolutely hilarious. Cake has little to do with film, but these cakes certainly shouldn't have been green-lit!

Well if anything, I'm glad a detour from my blog is something so amusing...



Monday, July 21, 2008

wait...I do edit?

Well not quite yet, but getting closer by the day.

So today I filmed a Holocaust competition video...I interviewed four teens girls and had them respond to Anne Frank quotes...only didn't even tell them the subject of the documentary. I wanted to get an unbiased, natural response to synthesize how the voices of girls of today may connect to the voices of the past, in specific for this case, the voice of Anne Frank. The competition calls for a video under five minutes pertaining to viewing The Holocaust through a 21st century lens.

I am more of a producer, so I planned all the people and the location, printed the quotes, figured the concept...etc. Michael operated the camera and sound...he also edits really well. BUT when we finished, Michael suggested that I do the first edit...eek. Now, I don't know if he ever reads this (I doubt it and in this case I think I put up the last post about editing last night...but good timing!) So since I don't really have the technical means to do it at home, and I'm going up to SB next week, I'm gonna commit a day to messing around with this. Kelsey (love her!) said she will help be learn the basics to at least do a first edit then maybe Michael will step in and actually make it good haha. Anyways I'm just happy this gives me a reason to learn or at least dip my feet in the water, so to speak.

oh yeah at the end, they all suggested I get in front of the was actually really fun and I think I will use some of my footage!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


"I don't edit."

An unfortunate thing to have to say....I need to learn how to use final least the basics because I want to be able to jump in and help out with my projects in the editing lab. And animation too if I produce an animation.

It's too easy to say "that's not my thing" but it's silly to be in school for a discipline and rule out portions of it just because you haven't learned yet. It's not too late. How do you think people know how to edit well now? Because they learned like a year or two ago! So I am making a decision to learn when I have free time over the quarter so I don't regret a skill that is available for me.

"I want to learn to edit..."

...that sounds much better

Friday, July 18, 2008

new business cards

design by the very talented Erica Kehlet ("EK")

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the idea

Something to remember is that film making is all about a good idea. That's basically the key with anything in life that is creative or business-like.

That's why I think producing for television would be cool..because those are the creators of an idea; truly harmonious with part of the definition that I always use for producers, that it's the person who sees the project from the beginning to the end, until it has reached it's goals and potential.

At the Writer's Guild presentation with Will Ferrell, the moderator asked how he likes producing and when asked what a producer does, he did a great bit about it. I love that this question comes up literally at every panel discussion or interview I go to...It's kinda annoying to be working towards a profession that is so questioned, but then again, some things that are always so clear and defined are either overlooked or taken for granted.

Anyways bottom line is Will Ferrell is hilarious beyond belief and a good idea not only goes a long way, it is the way.

p.s. Sometimes I wonder about how creating a film is similar to creating a business or managing a store. Sometimes I think it would be really fun to run a team business, a company or restaurant.

This picture caught my eye because it shows the chaos in ideas but the singular, upright nature of the person allows for hope that there is a way to organize among chaos, which is really sometimes just an overflow of creativity. After our rough cut for Chimes, I sat my crew down for a 4 hour meeting or "white board session" in which we discussed and outlined and decided on all the changes in editing that we needed. It was an overwhelming task but we literally all left there so happy that we sorted through everything and gave each other hugs as we left. The point is that the man in this picture is just a piece of the mural. If he did it all himself, he is not alone, because others will look and learn from it. Perhaps he is making his first stroke right now; perhaps he has a crew behind him of a bunch of other "chalk drawers."

An idea is a group effort, even if it comes from one person at first.

Now pick up a piece of chalk and make that first stroke.

Friday, July 11, 2008

stumble upon art

For the record, it's people like this, that make me want to be more artistic...

Take a look.

His multi-talented portfolio is the perfect blend between the intimate abyss that is one's creativity and the external workings of life. Mixing music, film, drawing, graphic design, and more...
I especially like how his "about me" is utterly self-absorbed, but sooo good. I've never seen anything like that, where someone's bio doesn't annoy me, but actually makes them more endearing.

I usually I don't feature this kind of thing on my blog but I think he deserves these props, plus I would like to remember that I saw this because watching his work really made me realize how mixed media is something very important to me, to not get stuck in one medium and to always welcome collaborators and new ideas.

Damn. this guy is talented. I'm just gonna drop his name here (Dave Werner) so if he ever googles his name, he'll see that I am complimenting him and maybe one day design a website for me lol.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

oh the fall brings so many choices

When I finished producing Chimes, I considered my next logical step was to produce a 106...I told myself that my second year I should gain experience, then do a 106. Well I'm all set for that and hopefully Theoryland can make it to there, but I've also been thinking about back-up/alternate options. I have built up 106 so much in my mind as to think I HAVE to make one, and yes, I really do in my time here as a major, but if it's not the right project, it's not the right time. I told myself that even if Theoryland doesn't get in, I would just try and produce someone else's project...but now I am more skeptical about that thought. I think I would want to produce an animation, so perhaps with the right people, and a great idea, I would jump on a project post-pitching. But if it's not right for some reason, I'm thinking "no" because to produce a project is a very serious idea to me; I would want to put my all into it. That's my thought for now, yet again once I step in that production hallway, I may think differently, we shall see.

As I start again with Greenscreen, I am reminded how much time and commitment it takes, so that makes me excited that even if Theoryland doesn't get in, I will still have my "in" with production; and even better because lately I have been really into collaborating and facilitating, even more than making my own art. For example I have lately thought of the job world of agents and management...something I never really thought of before in terms of the entertainment business.

So here are the options:

(1) If Theoryland gets in:

(this will be the case no matter what)
-Cam Con

(2)* If Theoryland doesn't get in (even thought I hope it does!)

-Get a job at Campbell Hall theatre (they offered me a job during reel loud; I like the people, and it gets me back in the theatre)
-Cam Con

*And for Option #2, the thing for me to think about is that I might be more prone to work on IVDV (which I feel an obligation to do so because I practically started it; and REEL LOUD (which has been really close to my heart since I started UCSB).
-Reel loud begins in the winter, which would interfere with 106 in terms of priority.
I think this year IVDV may be in the winter

If I produced Reel Loud, I would want that to be my priority for spring(but hopefully I can talk Joe into creating a new system of leadership, so instead of one producer, there are 4 {like IVDV}, that way there is more team work, rather than a faulty dictatorship like this year.

-And 106 gives me no time for a job, in conjunction with having a job would be pretty nice, especially come Reel Loud time in terms of making a film- for Reel Loud, making a film is magical...I want to be on the committee and make a film; I know that that causes some issues...even though I don't think it caused much for me this past year, but there is a huge difference in making a film and making the festival...I don't know if I would be able to relinquish the magic of making a film so that's something to think about too.

So there are some things to think about; i guess getting those options on paper may clear things up for me soon...but essentially I can't really plan much of this because everything is based on what happens after the pitches.

It's just so exciting I have all these options, yet a little overwhelming that I will have to choose my priorities and annoying because I can't do everything!

If anyone actually read this and understands, and you have any comments or thoughts, let me know, otherwise here's to a lengthy "note-to-self!"