Monday, July 21, 2008

wait...I do edit?

Well not quite yet, but getting closer by the day.

So today I filmed a Holocaust competition video...I interviewed four teens girls and had them respond to Anne Frank quotes...only didn't even tell them the subject of the documentary. I wanted to get an unbiased, natural response to synthesize how the voices of girls of today may connect to the voices of the past, in specific for this case, the voice of Anne Frank. The competition calls for a video under five minutes pertaining to viewing The Holocaust through a 21st century lens.

I am more of a producer, so I planned all the people and the location, printed the quotes, figured the concept...etc. Michael operated the camera and sound...he also edits really well. BUT when we finished, Michael suggested that I do the first edit...eek. Now, I don't know if he ever reads this (I doubt it and in this case I think I put up the last post about editing last night...but good timing!) So since I don't really have the technical means to do it at home, and I'm going up to SB next week, I'm gonna commit a day to messing around with this. Kelsey (love her!) said she will help be learn the basics to at least do a first edit then maybe Michael will step in and actually make it good haha. Anyways I'm just happy this gives me a reason to learn or at least dip my feet in the water, so to speak.

oh yeah at the end, they all suggested I get in front of the was actually really fun and I think I will use some of my footage!