Saturday, January 12, 2008

I like the feeling of...

being uncontrollably widemouthed in front of a big screen
telling stories for the first time that have been in my mind for years
snippets of coincidences noticed, but not necessarily noted
intriguing conversation
mutual understanding of love
forgetting the time
"being the same person!"
becoming more modest after a compliment

feeling like someone has occasional checks and balances on me
non-exclusive "personal jokes" that get funnier each time
heart to hearts that lead to something
personal squinting nod of understanding
pro-active sharing
giving paragraph long and really direct compliments
on the dot understandings
peaceful emotional catharsis
one sentence help for a stressful situation
suppressed tear jerker

being thought of and leaving a mark among
bringing people together
teaching an appreciative student
someone wanting my help
true constructive criticism

natural smiles and laughter pictures
being natural
unspoken connection
beginning sentences with "i feel"
accidentally making a difference


KaMeek Lucas Taitt said...

No problem buddy :) Good Producers are extremely hard to find, so I'm lucky to meet with an up and coming Producer!

attagrl said...

I love this Lisa! I ask this often to people "What do you love about your life?" I love to watch people light up and shift as they talk about it. It's a good practice that has us realize how much we have in our lives. -Kate (seeingisaverb)

Lshap Productions said...

thanks, attagrl.

I had a lot of these ideas mulling around my mind for a while. surprisingly, never wrote them down(and if you know me, that's a surprise).

Believe it or not, I wrote this after watching There will be Blood.

I had the easiest time releasing these "life loves." -funny how a movie can bring such catharsis, even if not directly related.

That movie made me speechless, but not thoughtless.

alex t. said...

I've been meaning to do a post like this for a really long time. I also wanted to do a "ten ____ i like," like sounds and smells. it's nice to take time and appreciate the little things