Saturday, January 5, 2008

mid-way meeting

I talked to another guy I don’t know yesterday...this is turning into a regular thing I guess. This time it was on a blog site. There were about 45 comments on a topic board before it ended up being a conversation basically just between the two of us, except for a nice person who was being kind to me. His blogger name is big daddy, which actually turned out to be an opportune name in the discussion, if not for anything than for my personal entertainment. I was creative in my name- Lisa.

If your so inclined or interested in this blog-sesh, which will make my observations below more clear, or more broadly, if are interested in the new movie, Cloverfield that is coming out, (which actually I'm not even that interested in)...just click here. I guess it also shows a more feisty side of LShap, but still with the tint of hopeful sentiment that you know.

Anyways, here's what I gleaned from this experience:

Never doubt that there will be an unexpected nice person to back you up
It feels better to argue in a respectable way
It’s easy to resolve an argument when at least one person welcomes understanding
Your attitude of someone can shift if you can let go of the past
It’s easy to make judgment; but easier to not.
Look for ways to meet someone half way.
Trying to understand, with practice, will become natural.
Overconfidence is a form of insecurity. Move on.
Being naïve is not the worst thing.

big daddy- if you’re reading this, thanks again for meeting me half way. As you made me realize a few things, I hope I was able to plant some naïve and optimistic seeds in you. I’m still wondering if your name refers to that Adam Sandler movie or something else interesting. Frankly, I’ve been thinking about that more than Cloverfield.

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