Friday, March 14, 2008

crewin up

Annie- this one is for you because I'm getting hippie producer on you:

A crew is like a family.

They say you can't pick family, but the best crews are a collaboration of select people you know are pro-active, dedicated, and responsible, and people who can work together as friends and business partners.

A really smart DP I know once said that as long as everyone trusts each other, it will all work out--it's the mutual trust that everyone will do their job.

Especially in student films, people on your crew, especially above the line, become your best friends, at least for the term of production. Some people are really professional and don't like to mix business with pleasure, but how else can work be fun? Lines between friends and co-workers need to be blurred, at least the way I do things. The best group is one that knows when to be serious and when to relax.

At this point, I know what I like in every position that needs to be filled on a crew of mine. Chimes really set a precedent in my film work in the sense that our crew was just uber awesome at this balance. A balance of anything takes experiment and time, but when it's right...oh it's right.

Part of setting the balance for a producer is picking the right projects to begin--knowing how much you are willing to put into it and at what cost. Luckily I have found a project this year that I really felt like I was doing something important, not only for the community, but also in a way to advance my skills and network of fellow crew members.

As I have heard many of my friends say over the last week, as much as we are all kinda burnt out (with excitement, mind you) we all can't wait to start a new project. Those who are as excited as me to do so, are likely to be my next crew :)


alex t. said...

hahahah love it!
i love the chimessss crew! <3

Steven Ray Morris said...

oh gawd.

I don't understand how people can separate and section up their life. People are messy and its impossible to be so disciplined without driving yourself nuts.

Charles said...

Goodness, there's a great deal of useful info in this post!
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