Tuesday, March 4, 2008

just for kicks

I'm kinda just kidding with this one, because I really enjoy this class. I have learned a lot, seen some great films, (The Science of Sleep, Children of Men...etc). But yeah I can't help but joke about this one...five papers in one quarter, lol. (considering I have four others on the side).

Anyways I doodled this in class today and couldn't help myself from making it in color. It was after Parks showed us a clip from Psycho and exclaimed, "I'm glad we're looking at this for sound because then I can watch it with my eyes closed. She was referring to the shower scene. I began to wonder, would 96 be less intimidating if we all just closed our eyes? I think this would make a great bumper sticker, perhaps with "I survived film and media studies 96" on top.

Anyways, one more paper left!

Wooot and then I can add that line a top and join all the others who have passed the amazing threshold that is 96.

but again, guys, don't get me wrong; this has been my favorite class this quarter. It so nicely complimented the production of my film and my TA and professor have been amazing resources!

So if I complain, I might as well use Paint to express it! :)


Steven Ray Morris said...

Paint can do amazing things!
This is saved!

Steven Ray Morris said...

I just am laughing now at the way u drew urself. Wide red mouth, mustard colored nose, straight hair with weird microvilli type things, white dress with a weird upside down triangle and blue legs...or are those jeans?

see I can even analyze the way you look in a drawing =)

Lshap Productions said...

I didn't draw myself hahaha

it's just the average 96 student :D

but i appreciate the effort lol

Steven Ray Morris said...

it's pretty obvious that it's you.

Lshap Productions said...

is it? haha. i didn't even think of that but i guess "art" is always you right?

Steven Ray Morris said...

no it's just "you."

alex t. said...

if you came up w/this in 96, imagine the possibilities of vgames.. ;D