Wednesday, December 12, 2007

reflec(x)tive wonderings...

So, this quarter I took Film Studies 192B: Contemporary Cultural Theory. Looking back on it, it was one of the best classes I have ever taken, ever. Besides getting insights on brilliant ideas and watching some very interesting films, namely, Children of Men, Waking Life, Swoon, and Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story, I have thought of some questions that I would like to share that I may or may not have been able to answer from this class. Many of these have crossed and settled in my mind before, but have more recently resettled. Either way, as the material in this class both boggled and expanded my mind, I feel like I will look at things very differently from now on, as I have already started to do.

Since I have the final tomorrow and given it is 3:30am, I will leave these questions with you and try to get a good nights sleep..whatever that means anymore... (Oh and if you have any insights, feel free to drop them off here) :)

-Is remembering forgetting, just as much as forgetting is remembering?

-Can you truly step outside of yourself and be a true observer, either passive or participant?

-Is anything universal?
Private? Public? Personal? Revolutionary?

-Do things happen by choice or chance?

-Does coming together tear us more apart?
Does spreading apart bring people together?

-Are gaps in memory, faults in representing reality as a form of fiction
Are the gaps lost/screened moments just awaiting recovery?

-Does totality breed individualism just as much as individualism breed totality?

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